Free Ambulance Service for serious patients in the radius of 10 km   Phone: +91- 9225896896 ,
+91 7030206336

Patient Guide


Booking of Services      

To begin the process, you or a member of your family will need to meet our Executive at the booking office situated at the ground floor. Kindly bring the admission note from your treating doctor for the same. The allotment of a specific room when made is based on the situational availability.

The registration form will have to be filled in with the necessary information, which is mandatory for us to register you as a patient. (In case you are not already registered with us). The slot for your surgery will be booked by your treating surgeon.

The deposit for admission has to be paid at the time of admission. In case you want to avail the cashless services, please contact the Insurance Help Desk / TPA Desk in advance to help you with the requisite formalities.

Admission to the Hospital                                      

You are requested to meet the executive at the main reception for the admission process. In case you are availing the cashless facility, also handover your pre authorization forms. In case your TPA approval is not sanctioned or you do not provide the approved pre authorization form at the time of admission you will be treated as a self paying patient. Please note the following additional points:

  • It is mandatory to bring your concerned medical records at the time of admission.
  • Ladies are requested to kindly remove all nail polish prior to admission to facilitate accurate observations by the anaesthetist.
  • You are requested to pay attention to personal hygiene to save on time of admission.

Your Personal Belongings                                       

Pack light when you come to the hospital for admission. You will be provided with hospital clothing. You may bring your own slippers and toilet articles if so desired. The toiletries can also be provided to you by the hospital, at a minimal cost. Please ensure that all your jewellery is removed and kept at home or in the safe custody of your relatives.


A package of channels is provided to each single room.

Room Transfer                                                   

Request for room transfer / change if any, may be made at the Booking office / IPD Counter.

Dietary Services                                                

Food is an important part of the services rendered. The menu is personally supervised by our team of dieticians. You are requested not to leave food in the room, as this attracts the pests. Food is not permitted in the room for the attendant.

You are requested to have the meals at the designated time to avoid inconvenience.

Medical Care Services                                              

Your consultant doctor at ACMH  Hospital will be responsible for your specific medical treatment while you are in hospital.

Nursing Care                                                     

Our nursing staff will attend to you after admission to the ward. She will familiarize you with the room, the bed head panel switches and the Nurse Call device which you may use to call the nurse. She will also inform you about the rules regarding the tea, breakfast and meal timings.


Your medication will be prescribed by your doctor. It will be provided by the hospital pharmacy. Hospital policy does not permit medicine to be sourced from outside.

Ambulance Services                                                 

Hospital has 2 Cardiac care Ambulances fully equipped with necessary machineries. Please contact the main reception for availing the services of the same.

Visitors’ Information                                                

In the rooms / wards only one attendant may stay with the patient. A pass for this has to be obtained from the Reception. A long term pass and a reliever’s pass is provided at the time of admission. The security staff will ask to see this pass, therefore, you are requested to please keep the pass ready for the check. Separate passes are issued for critical care units and operation theatres. Please get in touch with the reception for the same. These passes are to be returned back to the hospital after the transfer or discharge of the patient.

Fresh Flowers are not allowed in the Inpatient Areas.

Visiting Norms






 8:00 am-9:00 am

 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

 7:00 pm -8:00 pm

Intensive Care Units

 7:00 am-8:00 am

 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

 7:00 pm -8:00 pm

Visitors are not permitted at any other time. No child visitors are allowed in the hospital. Nurse may ask visitors to leave the room if the patient's condition so warrants or if hospital policies are not being followed. Your co-operation is solicited.


We discourage tipping of the hospital staff. If you wish to donate, please contact the Nurse In Charge of the floor or the reception.

No Smoking Policy                                           

Smoking and consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited for all patients and visitors. Strict adherence to the same need to be maintained.


Preventive maintenance of all equipment in the room is routinely and thoroughly done before admission of a new patient. If you need any assistance regarding any air conditioning, electrical or plumbing issues in your room, please inform the In Charge nurse on the floor.


Please do not keep valuables or excess money with you. The hospital does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage of your possessions.

Discharge Information                                       

  • Discharges are normally given up to 10 pm daily.
  • An approval and written order from your consultant doctor is required for the discharge process to be initiated.
  • A Payment slip, indicating your financial clearance will be handed over to you by the billing staff. Kindly produce this at the nursing station of your ward.
  • Please handover the Payment slip and the passes at the main reception while leaving the hospital, post discharge.
  • Discharged patients are requested to vacate the room as early as possible, preferably prior to 11 am. Staying beyond this time will necessitate an additional charge. Your co-operation is requested.


Billing And Deposit























Corporate Account / TPA                                  

If your account is to be paid by your company, please ensure that you bring a signed letter from your company clearly accepting responsibility for all medical treatment and giving an undertaking to settling the bill. The hospital will provide treatment in the ward specified by your company. Any deviations from the instructions will be billed directly to you with information to the company.

Patients who are availing Third Party Administrators (TPA) facility are requested to enquire about their sanctioned amount on the day of their admission, from the Insurance counter. You are requested to obtain the authorization from the TPA. The hospital will only act as a facilitator in such a situation. A security deposit is payable before admission even for cashless authorized patients to cater, for disallowed billing.

Feedback and Redressal                                           

We are interested in knowing about your experience as a patient at ACMH Hospital. Please complete the feedback form available at the floors. Your suggestions will help us to serve you better.


ACMH  Hospital offers air conditioned single private rooms with all modern amenities. Most of the rooms are equipped with Television, telephone, Fridge, couch / sofa / chair for the attendant. Listed below are the types of rooms.

  • General Ward (MGW,FGW,LW ,PW)
  •  NON-AC Special Room Single Seater (SP1 ,SP3)
  • NON-AC Special Room Double Seater (SP4,SP5,SP6,SP7)
  •  NON-AC Semi Deluxe Room 3 seater (SP2)
  • AC Deluxe Room (DX 1,DX2)
  • Suite Room
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  •  Intensive BURNCare Unit  (IBCU)
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
  • Maternity Ward (General) (6 Beds)


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